Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Playground with the cousins

As mentioned in the previous post, we spent time with cousins this past weekend in Ashland. After having a nice Sunday dinner at Dan & Michelle's, we all trooped to a local park. Lo got bundled like a worm most of the time because there was a frigid wind blowing, but we still forced--er, encouraged him--to try out a few of the playground amenities. Oh, and there's something else debuting in this photo: observe my recent haircut. Shoulder length seems more comfortable for summer, though it actually takes more work to style it than when it was longer ironically.
And speaking of hair: Static hair on the slide is always a classic.

We hoped he would love the swing, but the cold weather combined with him getting serious nap lackage that day resulted in a relatively dull response.

So I livened up the swinging time with some game of Peek-a-boo, and that got a couple giggles. The way his smile fades in and out in this video reminds me of that McDonald's commercial.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Glad you were able to get together with cousins. I enjoyed talking with you, Little, on the phone the other day. Love, Grandma