Friday, April 23, 2010

Experiments in Food

I had planned to wait until the 6 month mark, but that Lo was so "grabby" with our foods, and seemed just...ready. So since about 5 months old, here are the foods he has eaten/ingested: rice crackers, carrot, pear, and prune baby foods. He has tasted/licked (but not really eaten per se): slices of red peppers, lemons, and apples. He is pretty independent about the eating projects, often happier to eat if he can use his own hands rather than just be spoon-fed.


Valerie said...

That is pretty darn cute!

LittleFamilyJL said...

Very cute. He is well on his way to healthy feasting! Hooray!

Gena Susan said...

oh my, he is so cute!