Thursday, April 29, 2010

Goodbye, Ping

Yes, if that shiny sun-glare on top his head didn't give it away, I will affirm: we buzzed away the Ping Hair. Before the cut: he had thick patches, long patches, bald spots galore:

And he did not mind the clippers, but rather just seemed altogether pleased for the attention he was getting as daddy held his head still and mommy buzzed away...
He looks like such a different child to me!! Cute still of course, but in a more generic kind of way? His other hair lent him such character in his expression. *sigh* But I suppose all good things must come to an end. Enter the era of "normal hair" Lo.


Kristen said...

wow! you did a great job on the buzz. can't wait to see him in person, it does really seem to change his look.

Valerie said...

Aawwh; I love the photos with Dad!

momma said...

oh goodness!!! he is edible!!!!

Melody said...

Hey, how is he so chubby on breastmilk? Could you leave an answer in my blog? Thanks. :) I'm trying to get my baby chunkier.