The first image is our ultrasound from this past Thursday. The second image is our interpretation of this first profile shot, complete with rotating and labeling for those who are ultrasound-viewing challenged. These shots were taken at about 19 weeks, which means we got to find out the sex of the baby.
Daddy had daughter dreams in the nighttime before this pregnancy even began; Mommy had pink premonitions and feelings in her heart lately; and friends even preemptively doled out a few flowery, feminine goodies for the little girl we figured we were having. Furthermore, Little Tam apparently talked to Daddy during our April doctor's appointment a month or so back: "While the doctor listened to the heartbeat, I was listening to Little talking, and she said, 'I'm a girl'." reports Daddy, shrugging.
Well, it seems that Daddy and baby have a special bond of affection between them...because Little was playing a loving trick on him that day of their conversation. A good natured joke. A hilarious bit of April foolery, though the punchline came during the month of May. But we won't point out the timing error to our ambitious, pranking Little Tam. Turns out Little is no girl. Rather, HE is a bold little boy who made us laugh with surprise to find our gender assumptions had been wrong. "Are you sure?" Jerry asked the ultrasound tech.
"Well, as sure as ultrasounds can be, though we can double-check gender in a few weeks when we have to try again to get a look at baby's lips."
Little was covering his mouth most of the time with his hands in a classic gesture of sneaky giggling. So we couldn't examine those smiling lips close enough to make sure there is no cleft lip. We also may have a change of due date, as it seems the baby is quite large for gestational age. In other interesting tidbits from the ultrasound session, our baby looks like a zombie from the frontal view. Those who are familiar with ultrasound images at this stage will realize it is normal for the fetus to don this appearance, due to lack of facial fat. And yes, we were daring enough to post the zombie image because HEY, if Little wants to laugh, might as well laugh at his own crazy face.
Oh, wow. Cannot believe we are having a BOY. We still feel thrilled of course, regardless of gender, but we had the girl name picked, and now we are starting from scratch again. Ideas for boy names, anybody? Or maybe we should give him a girl name, just to make his little joke backfire.