Sunday, April 5, 2009

The New Apostle 新的使徒

耶穌基督在世時,組織了祂的教會。教會是「被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶穌自己為房角石」 (以弗所書 2:20)。 祂選出十二使徒來領導教會。


新的使徒: 尼爾‧安德森長老, 上次在總會教友大會, 回答了我們的個人疑問。他講到怎样每人有不同的挑戰,但是通过耶稣基督的贖罪我們可以靈聖上癒合。
We love General Conference. We prepare for it months and weeks in advance like it's Christmas--but minus the “holiday let-down” when it ends, because Conference gives us such a feeling of renewal and contentment with our lives. Highlights for the Tam Family:

In last October’s General Conference, we both listened with a specific gospel question in mind that we wanted to have answered. This question held connection to our current life trials at the time, and we felt overjoyed and relieved when one speaker, Elder Neil L. Anderson, completely answered our concern. He spoke of how everyone has different challenges, but through Jesus Christ’s Atonement, difficulties of mortality can be healed after the resurrection. A few months later, we got to thank Elder Anderson in person when he came to our Stake Conference as a visiting General Authority. Imagine our delight yesterday to find out Elder Anderson has become our newest apostle. We feel easy acceptance of his authority and calling. How grateful we are to have living prophets and apostles on the earth today, just like those Jesus Christ called when He organized His church two thousand years ago.

Another part of this Conference we really enjoyed was Elder Holland’s testimony of Christ. The Savior was rejected of men, and even at one point left without the help of His Heavenly Father, suffering completely alone. He experienced this loneliness for a purpose, to feel all that we mortals may sometimes feel—but we must not ever let Him be rejected and left alone again. Rather, stand by His side, because He remains ever willing to do so for us. We love and honor the Savior Jesus Christ, and know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by Him.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

When I walked into work, today, the first thing my boss, who attends another denomination, said to me was, "You had conference this weekend, didn't you!" That warmed my heart that she pays attention to what is important in my life.