Sunday, February 8, 2009

Proof Has Arrived 吃鳳爪

So I tried chicken feet in Hong Kong, but turns out naught but a microscopic crumb ended up getting here is tonight's photo of my second attempt to eat this delicacy. If you double-click, you should be able to view up-close the delicate, charming toenails of this little chicky. I ate about 1/3 of the available foot length, but the part that still had large callused "pads," I graciously left for Jerry to consume. No matter I left the job half is still progress from the first attempt. One thing that made me laugh is how I had trouble picking up the stiffened limb with my chopsticks, and had the thought cross my mind, "Why won't this chicken just grab onto the chopstick for me?" You know, in clutching bird-like fashion. I banished the thought and pretended I was eating a regular ol' piece of pork rib. 白人通常不吃鳳爪 (雞腳)

Our sweet Chinese neighbors invited us over for dinner tonight, and they had prepared a feast of festival proportion (apparently several days from now marks the "end" of New Year festivities).

The dishes we ate, from approximately left to right in a clockwise pattern: grapes; sushi; super spicy chicken (flaming even by Jerry's standards); eggplant; pickled beef?; pig ears; chicken feet; raw potato (better than it sounds); some kind of noodles (not available in the US--shipped direct from Chinese relatives); sausage mixture; green bean with some other mystery meat...? and rice of course (not pictured). 朋友們邀請了我們吃晚餐

Jerry and I also brought homemade red bean ice cream to the feast. Here's a photo from the blog where I found the recipe (our finished product looked just the same, only not served on a fancy dish:

I would like to try making Taro ice cream next. Also found a good recipe for Phở, Jerry's favorite soup. Sounds like the secret ingredient is star anise. 家庭自制红豆冰雪糕


Cami said...

Good job trying to eat those chicken feet! When I was in China, we were at a buffet & a guy in our tour group started yelling all of a sudden when he realized the mini chicken drumsticks he'd been eating were really chicken heads! Anyway, I can't eat that stuff...

Trina said...

Minus the chicken feet your making me hungry. Everything else looked super good! Was the ice cream any good? I think I'd have a hard time getting Corey to eat it.

C&C said...

get it girl! you are way more brave than me. i could not eat chicken feet. and congrats on the writing contest! you are awesome!

Gena Susan said...

You are soooooo brave! :) Growing up on a silly-american-girl diet...I don't think I could ever manage 1/3 of a chicken foot...even if it tasted good. :) It's funny how our brains work...I have no problem eating chicken ...just as long as it doesn't look like a chicken.

That ice cream looks yummy though!

Allison said...

Wow. Chicken feet. You might just have won the do-cool-thing-over-the-weekend contest this time.

Gisela-David said...

I boiled some red beans the other night, maybe you can send me the recipe for the icecream. I'd love to try it.

Valerie said...

Just so I look veteran when I try them at the Chinese Grand Buffet, do I eat the bone part of the chicky's feet, too?