Monday, July 6, 2009

America the Beautiful

Finally reporting on the Steele Family Rodeo 2009, held at Uncle Mark & Aunt Michelle's farm. We are so glad we had time to attend right before moving far away from all this Western stuff.

Though the rodeo happened a couple weeks ago, this video of my little brother Justin doing opening ceremonies for it seemed appropriate to post as our tribute to the 4th of July. As a side note, for our Independence Day celebrations here in Massachusetts, we got invited to spend the evening with another young couple in our ward. They took us to a nearby park where we ate food from outdoor vendors (pierogies and Chinese!) and then watched the fireworks. I felt paranoid about all the cigarette smoke the baby and I were inhaling, but overall had a nice time.

More rodeo shots...pretty self explanatory, but I cannot help making comments (sorry). Cute Jerry is getting more and more confident on a horse. The video with people holding water cups is an equestrian game. The object: to keep as much water in the cup as possible while moving the horse through various gaits. My sister's husband Matthew made a good attempt but his horse wasn't the most cooperative, as the video illustrates.

And here is Matthew again, providing a second round of brave entertainment.Jerry and I, on the other hand, opted to spend most of our time with the tamer side of the rodeo. We volunteered to supervise the petting zoo for an hour.


Valerie said...

The Cantonese is more novel to me than the rodeo --still it is fun to watch it over, again!

Clark and Eleanor Swain said...

actually Grandma Ellie says:
We are loving your blog as usual - more in e-mail. We are thrilled to see your photos and your captions.