"God sees you not only as mortal beings on a small planet who lives for a brief season -- He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him." Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sorry for the lack of posting lately...
Just busy being pregnant and raising a 2-year-old. Also, have internet/computer inconveniences in our current apartment, so I have a hard time motivating myself to get online much. Love you all!
Friday, September 7, 2012
We moved. Again. About 12 months ago, we moved from one town in Ohio to another. Then, 8 months ago we moved from Ohio to Idaho. 4 months ago, we had a move from Idaho to Texas. And now here we are in Idaho again, moving into yet another new apartment. All the transitions have been rough on Mr. Lo (FOUR moves in one year!!), so I started praying for God to give my poor child some compensatory blessings.
Enter: the Tender Mercy Kangaroo. The day we drove out of Texas about a month ago, we dropped by the library to return our twenty-some-odd books. During our 5 minutes dropping by the library, we walked into the room where a gal was doing the end-o-summer reading party grand prize drawing. Lo Lo walked into the room literally as his name got drawn from the hat--he won a prize! I said, "Oh, he's here!" and my excited toddler bounded up to receive his gift of kangaroo and book. He hugged and kissed the kangaroo all the way back to the car, and it has proved to be a true comfort to him ever since then. He's cuddling it in his sleep right at this moment. :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Good Times
Mr. Lo has been known to comment countless times, "I'm a funny guy. I make people laugh."
Yes, yes you do, sweet child. And we love how you make YOURSELF laugh. :)
Friday, August 3, 2012
Little Gymnast
Normally our child seems to fall into the top percentile ranking of toddler energy. He loves to push his body to its physical limits, has a daring attitude, and seems overall a bit gifted in the athletics department (ahem, slightly biased mother speaking, I'll admit). Anyway, it was a huge concern for me when he sat quietly in my lap during the entire library storytime yesterday morning. Atypical to say the least. Sure enough, he came home from the library and crashed for an early nap, which he woke from just a little over an hour in, vomiting all over himself. His hair and neck, pillows, sheets, special blankie, etc. were covered in lovely stomach juices mixed with morning oatmeal breakfast. I put him in the bathtub (yes, he was wailing about it, just wanted cuddled)while I tried to clean up the bed mess. Once I had the tub nicely filled with soothing water and he'd calmed down a bit, he vomited again. I rinsed him off and dried him, dressed him, put him on the couch watching a DVD, and attempted to keep laundering the bedding. But of course he vomited again. So I changed his clothes again, gave him some water to sip, and this time set him on a towel on the couch watching the DVD while I laundered the other couch cushion that was saturated in vomit. Yes, we are renting this furniture. Well, the cycle of cleaning, vomiting, cleaning, vomiting, etc. continued all day long even after Jerry came home from work. Of course, we are healthy eaters who had nothing like saltine crackers, carbonated beverages, or even fruit juice or apple sauce on hand. So poor sickie Mr. Lo got to ride in the stroller as I walked to the store to purchase some stomach-soothing groceries. (Jerry had taken the car to work that day of course). But what does all this have to do with gymnastics, you may be asking. Well, this morning Lo woke up as his usual bouncy self, so I opted to go ahead and let him attend the Little Gym class we'd scheduled. I think he had food poisoning instead of a stomach bug anyway (the night before he threw up, he insisted he wanted the piece of pizza that sat out in the car for over an hour and I'd let him eat it), so I rationalized it wasn't likely he'd pass on sickness to the other kids.
He once again seemed to have more energy than just about any kid in the gymnastics class, so it reassured me he was feeling back to normal. And I felt so pleased at the way he figured out how to use the equipment. Observing his sheer joy at tumbling around on the mats, swinging on the bars, etc. brought me true parental pride. The photo above is just him doing a forward roll at a random fast food playplace, by the way--didn't bring my camera to the gym, but you get the idea.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Flashback to Hong Kong More than a Decade Ago...
So behind on blogging, I am tempted to commit to one of those "blog daily for a month" challenges just to make sure I get all the backlogged info posted. But we are moving this month. Sort of moving twice, in fact. So we'll see how much blogging gets done. Anyway, a few days ago we had the unexpected joy of having Jerry's missionary and his family stop by our home on their drive through town. This is the missionary that taught Jerry when he got baptized those many years ago in Hong Kong. Small world that they both find themselves now living in Texas! Ben & Jerry. Yes, those are really their names, how awesome is that. We should have had some Ben & Jerry ice cream, but instead just ate generic brand ice cream...lol. We had Ben get video-recorded saying his memories of what it was like teaching Jerry. Such a special time to reminisce. I also enjoyed some great conversation with Ben's wife, Helen. After the visit ended, I commented to Jerry how energized I felt having such good socializing. Thanks for stopping by, Ben & fam!Asian-mix kids are so darling! Clearly my favorite variety of child. These boys all have 2-syllable names that start with "L" so I kept accidentally calling the wrong child the wrong name all morning. :)
Mr. Lo had such a ball playing with these two boys.
Especially with Logan, the older boy. Lo kept saying, "Logan is a nice boy. He plays nice." These days Lo is very aware of "playing nice," and often coaches himself through rules of sharing and caring (though still has plenty of moments where his 2-year-old emotions get the better of him).
Friday, July 20, 2012
Independence Day part 2
I forgot to mention in the last post about the 4th of July that those photos only showed our "morning activities." Post naptime, here is what we did:
Ate festival foods, rode carnival rides (actually just Mr. Lo did the carnival, and he stayed pretty tame about it--jump house and large slidey thing), and the highlight...
Pony rides! Jerry loved that he got to be the one leading the pony around. Lo kept saying, "I riding a real horsie!" and it took some coaxing to get him to dismount. Also, it should be mentioned that we almost bought a tank of baby turtles from one of the vendors at this festival. Jerry and I are sort of really pet-people, and it drives us crazy to move so often we don't feel ready to buy another pet right now. But seriously, these turtles were adorable. Palm-sized swimmers that reminded Jerry of turtles he'd kept in a bowl when he was a boy. We have an official goal to get some turtles as soon as our abode stabilizes a bit. :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Fans of Chick-Fil-A
Cow Appreciation Day was last Friday at our favorite restaurant. What's not to love about Chick-Fil-A, I ask you? We have THREE of them within a 10 min. drive of our apartment, so we got free combos for breakfast, lunch and dinner, visiting location #1, #2, and lastly #3 for each respective meal. Mr. Lo refused to wear his costume during the lunch hour (he kept insisting he wanted to be a monster for Halloween, not a cow), but the nice manager still gave him a free kid's meal. Because that's how Chick-Fil-A is.
Our costumes were pretty simple, mostly just wore white clothes and stuck on cow spots using the famous vinyl left over from Jerry's work in Ohio. Yes, we did take a roll of vinyl with us to Texas. Never know when it might come in handy...
Jerry would not naturally participate in this type of silliness, but he's such a sweet, supportive husband he just goes along with my ideas and is a good sport. We really did have a lot of fun participating! It was cool to see all the other creative costumes people came up with as well. At one of the locations the actual Chick-Fil-A cow mascots were wandering around and Mr. Lo LOVED them! I never knew he liked that sort of thing, sort of has ignored large costumed mascots in the past. Must be developmentally his right stage now. He kept saying, "Here comes the cow!" Every time one of them came near our table. Wildly pointing and grinning with excitement. When those same cows did not appear at our visit to location #3, he just about broke down in tears, he was so disappointed and kept asking about it. So the Chick-Fil-A employee gave Lo a free plush cow to cheer him up. Have I mentioned how much I adore this restaurant chain.
Mr. Lo loved his tail. I kept laughing about how it swung back and forth when he walked.
Jerry changed out of his costume while he was in the office, and Lo could barely be convinced to keep his donned for the few minutes we showed him off at the restaurant, but I wore mine all. day. long. Including the the playground, library, Wal-Mart, etc. Really I was just too busy to change--we had a lot of errands to run. And it was a tad embarrassing, but most people either seemed to get it, "Oh, yeah, Chick-Fil-A cow appreciation day!" or else just raised their eyebrows a bit and smiled. My pregnant belly really accentuated the "cow look." :)
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Independence Day 2012
We celebrated "small town style" on this past Independence Day. It was one of those serendipitous days when everything seems to go perfectly. We attended a small community parade and party in the park. Everything was free. They had this little train that gave free rides (I think the combination of Lo and me was pushing the posted weight limit--oops).
Unlimited watermelon--we ate a couple wedges each. Did I mention this was all free??
One of our favorite floats from the parade because it had "Curious George" on it (Lo loves those books).
Mr. Lo, as he is wont to do, making friends with random strangers. His glasses were 3-D glasses, the closest thing we had to patriotic apparel for him. That, and the army pajama shirt. Yeah, I need to make a visit to Old Navy next year for a few America tees.
Jerry was proud of his parking job. I was proud of finding this little celebration, because parking was pretty smooth overall--we got nice shady spots at both the parade route and the park, without even arriving early. Ah, the benefits of a small community event vs. the huge crowded city parties.
And one more reason to love Texas: people are overwhelmingly friendly! The group near our parade spot just embraced us, handing Lo a flag to wave, gave us chairs to sit on, gave Lo a bag to store his candy (he got more than a Halloween haul) and were just generally the sweetest people. By the way, the candy was such a distraction to Mr. Lo, I don't think he noticed much of the parade floats--he was too busy darting all over with his eyes glued to the ground, picking up a never-ending supply of candy that got thrown at him.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Bath time with Daddy
Jerry often does Lo's evening bath. A few days ago when I heard LOTS of laughter and joyful shrieks of "Mommy, come see me wash Daddy's hair..." this is the scene that greeted me.
Clothes and all, Jerry just hopped into the bath when Mr. Lo invited him. We've been feeling sorry for our child not having many playmates here in Texas, but really, who needs friends with a Daddy this goofy? I love my sweetheart's playful nature. :)
Also note Mr. Lo's farmer's tan. Apparently I haven't been diligent about slathering him with sunscreen this summer...
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Bremen Tam Musicians
Figured Father's Day was an appropriate time to announce...
A few months ago, while killing time on Boise State Campus, I sketched this family picture. It is the Chinese Zodiac animals of all FOUR of us Tams. Welcome Dragon Baby! In early November we are due to add a second child to our family. The due date is one week from Lo's birthday, and within 2 weeks of my birthday. I'm actually hoping this baby will choose to share birthdays with either Lo or me--then as the years pass, we can go to get our free birthday treats all at once. Disneyland free admission, Red Robin free hamburgers, etc. normally allow only one freebie per family at a time, unless immediate family members share the same special day. :)
I like the symmetry of Lo and this baby being exactly three years apart. It feels like good child spacing by any standard. Although having a winter baby wasn't my favorite last time in Massachusetts and Ohio (Lo was born in MA and about a month after the birth, we moved to Northern Ohio where it was frigid and gray, gray, gray for months), I'm hopeful Boise's winter won't be so bad. At least we keep blue skies all year there! And the snow doesn't usually stick longer than a day or so in the Treasure Valley. Being near family should help this time too.
Oh, here is what the real Bremen Town musicians look like (my inspiration for our family zodiac sketch).
We won't be able to find out if we are having a boy or girl until the end of the summer because we don't have medical coverage during the summer. Actually, Jerry just got an email saying he qualifies for Dell benefits right now, so maybe we will get coverage here during the summer and get an anatomy ultrasound done?? But we were thinking that email might have been a mistake--since when do temp. interns get benefits?
Anyway, we have chosen a birth center with midwives in Boise. It is not hospital attached, but is located a 2 min. drive from a hospital. Already I have felt so much better about this midwife group than the ones we worked with for Lo's birth. The Boise midwives spend on average 1-1.5 hours with me each time we meet, discussing thoroughly every issue. When I have concerns or questions, they educate me on EVERY option--saying, "Some moms choose option A, some choose option B, some choose C, etc." and they are always respectful of my sometimes non-mainstream preferences and choices. Whereas with a few of my concerns in Massachusetts, the midwives did not help me find more information and even said comments like, "This is how everyone does it," or "This is our official policy," making me feel like there was only ONE way to choose. So yes, I feel like Lo's birth was overall good but this next one will be even more in harmony with our preferences.
Vomited once during the first trimester, but it was a huge blessing we lived with my family so I got help with childcare for Lo while I napped, moaned about being nauseated, etc. Second trimester is pretty uneventful, so no news to add there except that I am finally getting comments from strangers about my pregnant belly (glad it has grown beyond that "bloated/chubby" stage when people only WONDER if I'm pregnant). Anyway, having a great pregnancy so far! I'll post a belly pic soon. Poor second child has not had nearly as much attention as the firstborn already.

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Mr. Lo has always surprised me with his athletic inclinations. Anything involving a ball earns his adoration, and he has a knack for observing and copying the technique of various sports. Sports like mini golf.
We did mini golf here in Texas last week, and the other photo is him putting in my parents' yard in Boise a couple months back. He really does pretty well getting the ball in the hole!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
First Visit to the Dentist
I didn't post about it a few months ago when it happened, but back in February, Lo visited the dentist for the first time! Shameful, I know--he turned 2 years old and we had KNOWN he had a cavity for months. But we had not put him on our dental insurance for 2011 (not sure what we were thinking) so we kept putting off going to the dentist until 2012 hit. But then turns out in 2012 we had no dental coverage either, because Jerry went back to school. So we got the joy of paying 100% out of pocket--but also felt the [TRUE] excitement of getting to choose whatever dentist my heart desired since we were not constrained by any health plan list of approved offices. Pros and cons.
Anyway, suffice to say we LOVE Lo's dentist. She is a young lady with a couple kids of her own who are about the same age as Lo. Her experienced nature with little kids shows in every detail of how the office is put together, from the colorful, charming murals covering every inch of wall and ceiling, to the monster puppet she lets kids play with (pictured above). Have I mentioned Lo is really into monsters. He loved getting to brush this guy's giant teeth. And there is a bona fide treasure chest at the end of the visit from which patients can pick a toy (pretty good toys, too--Lo got a monster truck on his first visit, and a necklace on the second. Yes, a flowery neck apparel item).
Anyway, his cavity still isn't fixed. The dentist said it is only a small one, nothing urgent. Lo is young enough he can barely sit in the dental chair for half a cleaning, let alone getting a filling. So our goal is to wait until he is 3 years old to fix the cavity--otherwise it would likely need to be done under anesthesia. Anesthesia, as in, at the hospital. Yikes. Definitely doing better on early teeth brushing for future kids!!
I think that's how Lo got the cavity in the first place--for the first 6 months or so after we noticed he got teeth, we didn't brush or floss more than a handful of times. It just didn't seem like those little teeth could get any food stuck on them, I don't know what I was thinking?? Anyway, after I read in one of my breastfeeding books how ESSENTIAL it is to brush and floss before bedtime for kids who nurse throughout the night, we have been religious about teeth brushing and flossing. I want to add that Lo was NOT one of those kids for whom teeth brushing routine came easily. We tried about 10000 different methods to make it fun and ultimately, it just was a matter of time and him accepting the routine. It was so important to me that we not have a dentist breathing down our backs about the nighttime nursing, so we insisted on good oral hygiene and it has worked great so far! (breastmilk alone won't cause cavities, because it contains antibacterial compounds but breastmilk mixed with other sugars/foods causes accellerated decay). Lo has naturally stopped nursing at night since we moved him to his own bed about 6 months ago, but he still nurses as part of his bedtime routine (after we have brushed/flossed). He also brushes most days right before going down for his nap. So the dentist has said his teeth and gums look really healthy overall. Just that darn little cavity in his very front tooth! It is bugging me so much to see it every time we brush.
I wanted to make a point about sharing how breastfeeding alone does not cause tooth decay because I cannot count how many moms I have heard say, "We stopped breastfeeding/nighttime nursing when our dentist said it was responsible for our child's tooth decay." Dentists are experts on teeth, but not simultaneously experts on breastmilk and apparently are not taught accurate information in dental school. I told Lo's dental office we nurse at night, and the only thing they were concerned about is whether or not his teeth got brushed at bedtime. So I was glad to see they seemed on-track with the correct breastfeeding/cavity prevention information.

Monday, June 11, 2012
The Pool
Lo doing boat races with a leaf down these little waterfalls.
Okay, have to acknowlege that last post was written in a time of much more homesickness than I feel now. It helps having gone to church yesterday; church always feels like home! Anyway, we have also gotten to have quite a bit of fun here and are continuing to locate all the important places (libraries, grocery stores, playgrounds), am getting lost less often while driving to and fro, etc. so I feel less "transition blues."
Our apartment complex has THEEE best pool ever! For a toddler anyway. There are tons of shallow spots for him to wade in.
He spends half his time in the volleyball sandpit, then runs to the pool. We shower off first in the handy outdoor shower they have right next to the volleyball place.
There are also a few fountain pools (we don't have photos from those). We have spent so many hours in the pool already! It is so hot here, we can go swimming any time of day. Back in Idaho, it tended to be too cool early in the morning or later at night because of the desert climate not holding heat once the sun was down. No problems with that here. We have jungle humidity! It is great. When we are swimming. :)
Friday, June 8, 2012
Missing Idaho, Greeting Texas
Moving to Texas for the summer has its perks. Since leaving our Idaho home, we've had Lo be extra on-track with his daily routine, waking exactly at 6am, napping at just about noon every day, and going to bed consistently around 8pm. We have enjoyed seeing new sights, swimming almost every day in the most glorious of pools, and meeting the BEST library story time lady EVER! But still, most days Lo mentions several times wanting to go back to Idaho. Here is what he misses:
He used to have daily playtime with the little girl next door. She is about a year older than Lo, but they have similar personalities and interests. They would move from one activity to another, be it sidewalk chalk, swinging on the swings, jumping on the trampoline, eating snacks, checking the mail, climbing on the monkey bars or other playground equipment, sliding down the slide, gathering gravel from the driveway and distributing it all over the yard, riding trikes, etc. Lo misses all these fun times! We have yet to discover a playgroup or any friends his age out here and his definitely social personality feels the lack.
Family! Living near countless extended family members made any activity more enjoyable. Here is Lo at the zoo with Aunt Booy and baby Ashlyn. Lo had really gotten to love Ashlyn.
Being OUT in the dirt. This dirt pile was one of Lo's favorite places to be. If he ever snuck out of the house without me noticing, the first place I'd go check is the dirt pile (and 9 times out of 10 he'd be there digging away). So yes, we have a sand volleyball pit here at our apartment complex in Texas but it is full of cigarette butts. Not quite the same...
Anyway, adjustment simply takes time and I'm sure we will keep finding more things to love about our new area the longer we are here. In the meantime, I'll keep Lo focused on the joys of Texas: daily ice cream, palm trees galore (he calls them "poky trees"), and frequent excursions to sites new-to-us.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Texas arrival

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My little brother Brandon got married a couple weeks ago, and they had a reception in New York the same day of their wedding. Jerry and I decided we could not afford to fly out for that part of the wedding, so instead I contented myself with preparing for the "Idaho celebration" as we did a Memorial Day breakfast in honor of Brandon and Savannah.
My part of helping with the Idaho open house consisted of coming up with a theme/design and creating decorations. Brandon and Savannah gave the basic color of pink as a preference and said they wanted strawberries, Nutella, and whipped cream, but otherwise that was it! They are laid-back people, easy to please. My aunt was my cohort on the decor, and she made these tissue flowers for the center of the pavilion. We also made photo jars with mason glass jars, tied with ribbon and raffia. Used similar jars as the vases for flowers, which were mini carnations. I have never been a fan of carnations (they look too common maybe?) but fell in love with mini carns! I like how the blooms go all the way up the stem of minis. I don't have many photos at the moment of the whole thing, but here above is one with my sister's baby Ashlyn enjoying the decor. And below, a couple pics of the happy couple:
I am so thrilled for Brandon to find such a wonderful woman as Savannah. She won my heart when I saw how easily Lo warmed up to her--this gal is GREAT with kids.
Congrats again, Brandon and Savannah! We love you!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Great Guys
Feeling proud of the boys in my life:
My sweet Husby has an intelligent mind, diligent work ethic, and positive attitude. All three attributes culminated in him getting amazing grades this first semester back in school. He was awarded an academic scholarship as well as THREE A+ grades on his transcript (honestly, I didn't even know it was possible to get that kind of grade on a college report card). One of those classes where he scored an A+ had been a crazily challenging class (taxation) and I saw the work he put into achieving that grade, so it means even more. All my days of "single motherhood" have been worth it! (kidding...Jerry is a remarkably supportive husband and father despite his school busy-ness).
Lo Lo: wished me "Happy Mother's Day" about 20 times yesterday. My first Mother's Day to hear those words from my own child's mouth! It felt awesome. I am proud of my smart, adorable kid.
My brothers: all three of them gave me reason to be proud this past weekend. My littlest bro David qualified to run at the State Track Meet next week in TWO events (open 800 and 4x4 relay). My next youngest brother Justin, serving a mission in Canada, just got news he is TRAINING, and he has only had 2 transfers in the field. Obviously he has started his mission off really strong and from our phone call conversation with him yesterday, it sounds like he is so happy. Lastly, my other brother Brandon got sealed (married for time and all eternity) to a wonderful girl in the Palmyra New York Temple. I'm so proud of him for being truly a catch, good marriage material, and for living worthy to be married in the temple.
Hooray for the guys I love!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Hibachi Face
We celebrated Jerry's last day of classes last week by going out to dinner. Mr. Lo ordered Hibachi, his third or fourth time to eat this type of meal. Even before the "fireworks" started, Lo started to anticipate them by putting his fingers in his mouth. He kept his fingers in his mouth the entire time the chef prepared the food. He also remembered well the tradition of the chef throwing shrimp in the mouths of the patrons, and our sweet child got a good half dozen attempts to catch food in his mouth. He opened SOOOO wide! Nice try, Lo!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I forgot to mention something else in those last couple posts about Lo enjoying the YMCA swimming pool and climbing wall. He calls the YMCA "CYM." It makes me smile! We told him we were driving to the YMCA, and then when we stopped at a different place to run an errand en route, he said from the backseat, "Hey, this does not look like the CYM!" Much reassuring ensued.
He does not verbally identify all his ABC's yet (I have not made much effort to work with him on it much) but has a few favorite letters he likes to point out whenever he sees them. Especially "M for Mommy," as he calls it, and "Upside-down M," which then he can also call by its accurate name "W" if I ask. And he pretty consistently can point out all the letters from his name.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I've mentioned before about Mr. Lo's daring personality. Lately he has experimented with all sorts of climbing.
This dirt path is at a local park. It is so steep, I wondered if even I could climb it! Lo did most of it on his own, but at the last few yards Jerry carried him.
For the "Unplugged Week" our YMCA let the kids to free time on the climbing wall.
Mostly Lo just got lifted up by the guy on the ground. =) But it was cute how much he thought he was actually doing the climbing.
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